By leveraging our RFID expertise, we are creating smart hospitals and empowering them to automate almost all important administration and management functions. They can, thus, focus on their core competency – administering top quality healthcare to patients. These “smart” hospitals can tag and track all critical surgical equipment and medical devices. They can also tag patients, check reports and ensure timely treatment by reviewing information on RFID tags. Using RFID, all assets in the hospitals can be tagged and tracked in seconds. Thus, administration and management of hospital becomes seamless and leads to increase in efficiency. In the process, a lot of time, money and most importantly, lives are saved.

About 20% of a hospital’s mobile assets (on average) are lost or stolen during their useful lifetime. The average cost works out to more than USD 3000 per item. Also, 75% of the time for maintenance is spent searching equipment. By deploying RFID, tracking of medical equipment becomes seamless thereby leading to their optimum utilization. It also reduces reordering due to loss/stealing of medical equipment.

To safeguard against the risk of running short in an emergency, hospitals stock up extra items in their inventory for each equipment. Hospitals over-stack approximately 40% spares and items. By deploying RFID, inventory management is error-free and easy hence hospitals can spend their capital for much better purposes such as patient care and improvement of facilities.

By employing RFID technologies, patients – bot out patients and those who are admitted to hospitals are given RFID enables wristbands. The patient’s history, details of the ailment, course of administering medicines and time can all be accessed with an RFID reader by reading the information stored in the tags. This can virtually eliminate human error and ensure the best healthcare services to the patients.

DVSC manages the complex problems for vaccines and temperature sensitive medicines/injections through the supply chain . The system gives a realtime/last measured location and Temperature to ensure that the supply chain maintains the pre-determined parameters as required to meet the compliance standards. Using the Search capabilities, FIFO can be implemented to ensure that the first batches of vaccines are used first..

The medical records of patients are critical and the information is essential for better treatment. Many documents and data files containing patient data must circulate to key people and departments to ensure that best collaborative care is administered. By leveraging RFID, the documents and data files will have limited and need-based access. This ensures that patient data is not compromised. The location of the documents will also be “visible” all the time.

Smart Hospital should also be a hospital with Smart patient care. In the patient care we have a system by which we can track the treatment given to patients along with investigations done. This becomes vital for seriously ill patients in ICU are who need to be administrated medicines in a particular regime. Some reports indicate that up to 6% fatalities occur in ICU’s due to wrong medicines/ wrong timings for medicines administrated. Our Patient Care system helps alleviate this problem and eliminate wrong administration of drugs.